Blog Posts
Salt Lake Comic Con 2017 – 1001 Author Tales!
Ten days! Salt Lake Comic Con is in TEN DAYS! And we are in Booth 1001! I expect to see everyone there. I’m anxious. I’m excited. I’m nervous. I’m… just… so many things…
Let’s Be Authors! – Experiment #1
Experiment #1 Congratulations! You’re an Author! Now what? This expression is felt by every author. The excitement. The thrill. The CULMINATION of the pinnacle of your creative expression bound and wrapped and now…
Adventures in Audio
I’ve been testing the waters in Audio Books A few courageous years ago, I thought about performing my own audio books. It sounded like a lot of fun. Audio and voice recording is…
FanX 2017 – Supporting Local Fantasy Authors
Today, I’m reflecting on my past experiences as I get ready for another FanX. My first FanX was an experiment. It was only me and my family and friends helping out. I…
Serendipity – the Beginnings of Billy Blacksmith
ser·en·dip·i·ty serənˈdipədē/ noun the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. I think out of all the words that I have ever encountered (that being a…
Vampire-ish Cover Reveal – Hypochondria and a Hybrid Author
Big News! I Got Rejected! Before you all start crying for me, don’t. Rejection happens a LOT as a writer. And it’s something you truly never get over. Artists tend to be protective…
Quick Blogs of Random Dorkness – Random Acts of Candace
I am catastrophically dorky. This is nothing I’m ashamed of. I embrace my unique charisma and channel it for good. I have such randomy, bazaar things happen to me over my lifespan, I just…
Giveaway! Ebooks! Posters! ALL THE THINGS!
There are several authors that have influenced me lately. Beautiful people who have crept in my life for one reason or another and effectively changed how I write, market, and treat other authors.…
Reviewers – An Author’s BFF
Whenever you meet authors at conferences or conventions, what is one thing we always say, besides the heart-felt THANK YOU? I think it goes something like this: “I hope you love it. And…
The Other Side of the Door – My Epic Journey from Writing to Publishing
In preparation for the SLC “Compel, Polish, Pitch, and Sign” Writer’s Conference, I’ve been reflecting on my own journey into publishing. For those who are attending the conference, we’ll talk 🙂 Becoming published…
Cover Release for Everstar – Final Book in the Vivatera Series
I remember the day I decided to sign the contract with Xchyler back in 2012, the day after Thanksgiving. I was at my In-Law's eating a hot turkey open-faced sandwich. I remember opening…
New Books! Prizes! What fun!! – Kingdom City: Revolt
I'm excited to be part of Ben Ireland's newest release KINGDOM CITY: REVOLT. Don't miss him as he travels the world (no, really, seriously) on his International Blog Tour. Don't forget to enter…