“Hilarious and fun, TO DREAM IN DAYLIGHT is a feel-good, genre-bending romance about the dreams that happen while sleeping, that pushes the limits of reality to show the beauty of connecting with a stranger who might be your soulmate.” – IndieReader Review
PUBLISHED BY Millrace Road Media
TO DREAM IN DAYLIGHT is a fate-driven, romantic comedy in the same vein as Sleepless In Seattle or the movie Serendipity. Our characters, Simon and Adri have been sharing dreams since they were children, neither knowing the other exists, until an embarrassing video of Adri goes viral and clues Simon in that she is not a fantasy, but in fact, real. Simon’s wild idea to search for her leads him across the country, all with the hope of finding his dream girl. It’s fast-paced, witty, filled with hope. A perfect read for our times.
To Dream In Daylight is an IndieReader Approved. Click here for the full review.
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